Westgate Stories – from the people who lived, worked, and played here
We’ve been collecting people’s memories of Westgate through a series of reminiscence sessions around Gloucester. People have shared their memories of the Westgate smell, mods and rockers in the Caffe Roma, working on the Severn, and of the street’s many wonderful characters and inimitable personalities.
You can find all these fantastic stories in our newly published booklet – available in person from the Museum of Gloucester on Brunswick Road or the Folk of Gloucester on Westgate Street.

You can buy a copy of our booklet from the Folk of Gloucester
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Street Scene
Our project includes:
- Making Open Spaces More Attractive
- Using Open Spaces For Activities
- Using Open Spaces For Events
Events & Activities
Our events programme includes:
- Arts & Cultural Events
- Heritage Awareness Events
- Workshops for Professionals